How to Redeem Umo Benefit Code

Winter Benefit Code Dates

Winter benefit codes will be valid 1/2/2025 through 3/31/2025.

Steps for Redeeming Umo Benefit Code:

1. Download the Umo Mobility App

download on the app store
get it on google play

Create an Umo account or log in prior to redeeming benefit code (most people use their mobile number.)

2. In the app, open the menu in the upper right hand side. Select 'Redeem Benefit' from the menu.

menu bar highlighted as 1, redeem benefit highlighted at 2

3. Select 'Change agency' and find WTA - Whatcom Transportation Authority.

change organization highlighted and WTA - Whatcom Transportation Authority highlighted

Questions or need help troubleshooting?

Contact Transportation Services (OM 120) or 360-650-2945