
Before you arrive, here are some important things to know:

  • On-campus parking is very limited. We encourage visitors to explore other ways to get to campus. 
  • Please refer to the parking map to find parking lots that can be used by visitors to campus.
  • For hourly parking, pay with the ParkMobile app or at the pay stations in the visitor parking lots.
  • You will need your license plate number to pay for parking.
  • Daily and weekly parking permits can be purchased 24/7 on Western's parking portal.

Interactive Parking Map

Visitor Resources

Daytime Parking (Monday – Friday, 7:00am – 4:30pm): Parking spaces are available for purchase in the 6V and C lots. Additional parking is available for purchase at the Lincoln Creek lot located off campus. For lot locations, please see the parking map.

After 4:30pm on weekdays and all hours on weekends/holidays parking spaces are available for purchase in 6V, 7G, 9G, 11G, and 19G.

Parking after 4:30pm on weekdays and all hours on weekends/holidays is available in the C, 12G, 27R, and Lincoln Creek lot at no cost.

Pay Stations are available for use only in the lots listed below. Please make sure that license plate numbers are entered correctly. For more information on how to use pay stations, visit the pay station page.

  • M-F, 7am-4:30pm in the following lots: 6V, C, Lincoln Creek.
  • After 4:30pm and all hours on weekends/holidays in the following lots: 6V, 7G, 9G, 11G, and 19G.

ParkMobile is our pay-by-app parking solution that utilizes an app to purchase parking. You can also call ParkMobile at (877) 727-5832 to purchase parking. For instructions on how to use ParkMobile, please visit the ParkMobile page.

  • M-F, 7am-4:30pm for use in all spaces in the following lots: 6V, C, 22G, 24G, 27R, 31V, 32G, 33G, Lincoln Creek.
  • M-F, 7am-4:30pm for use only in posted ParkMobile spaces in 7G and 17G.
  • After 4:30pm and all hours on weekends/holidays for use in lots: 6V, 7G, 9G, 11G, and 19G.

WWU Parking Portal is our online system to purchase parking and purchase permits. To use the WWU Parking Portal and for instructions, please visit our website.

Main Campus

Hourly:  $2.00

Daily: $14.00

Lincoln Creek

Daily: $5.00

Parking may have already been arranged for you by whomever invited you to campus.  Please check with them to find out what lot you are to park in and how you are to park.  There are several ways that departments/hosts can arrange for you to park. 

If you provided your license plate number to your host, they should have arranged your parking.  Please check with them for the details.

If you were given a pay station code, you may enter the code at the pay station in your assigned parking lot. If you were not given parking instructions, including your lot assignment, you should check with your host to find out how and where you should park on campus.