Contact Us

General Information


Phone: (360) 650-2945

Office Location: Old Main 120

Office Hours:

Transportation Services is available via email and phone from 8:30 AM - 4:30pm, Monday through Friday.

Walk-in customer service is also available in Old Main 120 from 9:00am - 4:00pm Monday through Friday.

To avoid lines continue to conduct as much transportation business as possible via email and phone.

Directions to our Office:

We are located across from the Student Business Office in Old Main 120. From the AS Bookstore/Viking Union walk east on the path that goes along the north side of Wilson Library. Walk through the rose garden. Old Main and the entry to the Student Business Office will be on your left.

Mailing Address: 

Transportation Services
Western Washington University
516 High Street, MS 9131
Bellingham, WA 98225


Shelby Zimmerman

Renee Zavala

Michelle Spencer

Donyale Quainoo

Andrea Reiter

Mike Penick

Student Active Transportation Coordinator