15 Minute Walking Distance Map
Google Map of Western's campus and the surrounding area, with 15 minute walking routes to various destinations overlaid on map. Route 1: Viking Union to Downtown; Route 2: Viking Union to Fred Meyer; Route 3: Rec Center to Fairhaven.
Get There By Walking
Many destinations are within reach on foot. Even more are available through a combination of walking and riding the bus.
In case of an emergency, Western's transportation safety net has you covered. Be at ease, knowing that emergency transportation options are available to you.
Public Safety Assistants
After sunset, Public Safety Assistants provide a safe escort from any point on campus to another campus location. Call (360) 650-3555, seven days per week, year round to request an escort.
Request an Improvement or Report a Problem
To suggest a pedestrian improvement or report a problem on campus, contact Transportation Services.
To request a pedestrian improvement within Bellingham city limits, send an email to askpw@cob.org.