Event Parking
Parking Services assists with hosting over 600 events annually. Events range from small events, parking 10 attendees to large events with 1000 or more attendees. We look forward to assisting you with planning or providing information if you are attending an event.
This information will help assist you in organizing your event parking needs. Space is limited, so early reservations are advised. Events need to be submitted at least 36 hours before the start time of the event.
To process an event request form we need:
WWU Department
- Shared Document Email
- Password
- FOPAL (Budget String)
All Others
- Contact Us
Services & Fees
Lot Attendant (per hour) | $40.00 |
Lot Officer (per hour) | $51.00 |
Lot Reservation (per hour) | $47.00 |
Signs (each) | $25.00 |
Permit (daily) | $14.00 |
Permit (weekly) | $44.00 |
Tent (daily) | $45.00 |
For assistance with planning and arranging your event parking, please contact us at transportation@wwu.edu .
Shuttle Information
Shuttle arrangements can be made through Bellair Shuttle at 360-543-9372.
Citations Issued at an Event
The registered owner of the vehicle is responsible for any citation issued on their vehicle. To avoid misunderstandings, or possible late fines and or collection fees being charged, please direct those receiving a citation to pay online on Western's Parking Portal.
Why do I have to use a department account and email; why can’t I just use my own?
Department parking portal accounts are set up as “group” accounts and are granted additional permissions and access.
What is a “shared” department email and how do I get one?
A “shared” department email is an inbox that multiple people in your department have access to, such as parking@wwu.edu. If you do not have a “shared” department email inbox, you can contact ATUS at ATUS.Accounts@wwu.edu and request that an inbox be created.
Our department has a shared email, how do I get access for other employees?
To give additional employees access to an existing shared inbox you can contact ATUS at ATUS.Helpdesk@wwu.edu and request that your new employees have access.
I have the department email but cannot access the Parking Portal, how do I get access?
If someone from your department has already established your departmental portal account, you will need to obtain the login information from them. You can contact Transportation Services at transportation@wwu.edu to determine if your account has been established. If no one has established an account, you can contact Transportation Services at transportation@wwu.edu and request that your departmental account be set up.
I do not have access to our department mailbox, how will I get messages sent to that email?
To obtain access to your shared department mailbox, please contact ATUS at ATUS.Helpdesk@wwu.edu. Alternatively, your department may wish to designate an employee to manage your shared mailbox and distribute the emails appropriately.
Why am I not able to request an event longer than 7 days?
This is a limitation of the software and has been reported as an issue to be reviewed for improvement. To assist the event manager in editing your event to the correct length of time enter the event start and end dates in the “Additional Information” block.
Why is a budget code required when there are no charges?
If you are submitting an event that will not have any charges, you can enter “N/A” or something similar in the budget code field.
Why does it give me an error if I have a start time of 12:00pm and end time is later?
This error is a system bug that is currently being investigated. If you need an attendant to begin at 12:00pm, you can enter the start time as 11:59am to avoid the error.
Why do I have to fill out the time on a resource when I have place “0” for the quantity? Will I be charged?
Even if you have selected “0” for the quantity when entering a Date Override, the times will still need to be entered. This is a system limitation. You will not be charged for any days that you have a “0” entered for quantity.
What happens if I hit the submit button again and again?
Your event will only be submitted once. Please note that the event submission may take a few seconds once the submit button has been clicked.
If the “Override” is not applicable, why is it an option (showing on the page)?
Because the same form is used for both multiple day and single day events, the “Date Override” button is present on the form even in cases where it cannot be used.
I do not see a “Browse” option, I see Choose File, is this the same?
Depending on the internet browser you are using, the text shown on the button for attaching files may be different. They all function the same.
Why did I not receive a confirmation email after submitting my event?
No confirmation email is sent when an event is submitted. When the event is approved and a quote has been generated for your potential charges, you will receive an email with a cost breakdown.
How will I know my event request has been approved?
When your event is approved, a quote will be sent to the shared departmental email inbox that will include the total charge for your event as well as a line-by-line breakdown of all event charges.